Thursday, February 25, 2016

Guitar 2nd Semester dates

2nd Semester Guitar
Upcoming Concerts:
Tuesday, March 15, 7-8pm - Compose Yourself - Visual Arts Collaboration with Guitar Composition Night at Brik on York
Thursday, May 19, 5:30 - 8pm – Arts Walk, more details to come.

Theory Goals:
  • Learn the key signatures and notation for all major and minor keys in the Circle of fifths
  • Play/read major scales in standard notation
  • Finish sections one and two of the Hal Leonard book by April
  • Be able to notate all major and most minor chords in standard notation
  • Compose our own songs for March 15 performance and notate correctly in standard notation (not tabs)
  • Understand Dominant 7ths and Secondary Dominants
Performance Goals:
  • Play your original composition for March 15th concert.
  • Must have a guitar melody and chords, and a literary text (Shakespeare, Langston Hughes, etc.) to either be read before, or sung during, the performance.
  • Play all major scales.
  • Play and identify all chord names for inside and barred major and minor chords.
  • Play I-IV-V-vi progressions for all 12 keys
  • Sight-read music without writing in notes or numbers and play fluently

Listening Goals:
  • Evaluate your peers thoughtfully and intelligently
  • Listen to different periods of music (corresponding to exercises in the book)
  • Identify moods in different pieces of music
  • Analyze chord progressions in popular songs
  • Dictate rhythms (I’ll play/clap a rhythm, and you write it down)
  • You will do 2 more raft assignments. One will be due February 18 (we will listen to the pieces from 4 different eras in class, and you will write it in class on the laptops). The other will be due on April 14. This will be done as homework, and it will be a compare/contrast of 3 of your favorite guitar players.

Musical Expression:
  • Learn how to have dynamic contrast piano, crescendo, forte, diminuendo (soft vs. loud)
  • Learn various strumming patterns (down/up strum)
  • Learn how to change tempos in music ritardando, accelerando, rubato, etc.(Speed up/slow down)
  • Learn how to make a good melody and align it to suitable chords
oing power if you select a group that will prevent you from getting work done.

Composition Assignments:
Due February 25 (extended to March 3)
SWBAT write a composition using one of the following scales and accompanying chords: major scale, harmonic minor scale, pentatonic scale, or blues scale. The selection of their scale will be based on the mood of their text of the Weary Blues by Langston Hughes.
We will read and analyze the text in small groups and as a class. Pay attention to metaphors, simile, mood, onomatopoeia, and imagery. A separate sheet of paper will contain the full directions.
Due March 17

SWBAT compose a written analysis of a Shakespeare text by finding the mood and meaning in the text and conveying this in strophic song form. The goal is to use modes and minor scales to create the mood of the Renaissance era and to memorize a Shakespearean Soliloquy or Sonnet. A separate sheet of paper will contain the full directions.

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