Monday, February 29, 2016

Band students - want to practice with the rest of the band while you're at home? Try this!

Dragon Attack by jalepino05

The inspiration for this piece was a little different than my standard approach to composition. I wanted to compose a piece for my beginning, intermediate, and advanced bands to play together at our composition concert. I asked my husband one night what the title of my piece should be. He simply said, “Dragon Attack”.  I liked this idea, so I went with it. After three weeks of continually adding parts, editing, and harmonizing, I finally completed my piece for all my bands to play together.
I gave an early, incomplete version of Dragon Attack to one of my groups to read through, and I asked them what they thought I should do to add to the piece. At this stage, I only had the beginning and the end sections of the piece composed. They came up with a story line to help me finish my composition. Here is a slightly more elaborate version of their story:
“Once upon a time there was an evil dragon, Tritone, who lived in the mountains. He was a fire-breathing dragon, who caused thunder and lightning to constantly cloud the beauty of the mountain. Held hostage within his dwellings was a Damsel in Distress, Modality. Many of the townspeople below, living in Aeolian Land, had heard of Tritone’s evil ways, but none of them were brave enough to save Modality. That is, until one cloudy day, when a Knight in Shining Armor, Dorian, heard the woes of the townspeople on his pilgrimage to Ionian Land.
“I’ll save her”, he proclaimed to the Aeolians, “for I am the Great Knight, Dorian.” After preparing for the battles ahead, Dorian ventured up the mountain alone. The mountain terrain was difficult, and Tritone increased his difficulties with smoke, thunder, and lightning. However, Tritone, even with all his attempts to stop the approaching Knight, could not scare the brave Dorian away.
After several days of intense climbing and searching, Dorian finally found Modality, hidden in a mountain crevice. She was surprised by his bravery and endurance, for she knew the treacherous ways of Tritone. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. “For years,” she began, “I’ve been held hostage by Tritone. He found me singing and picking flowers at the base of the mountain when I was a little girl. My voice enchanted him. He took me as a prisoner so that he could hear me sing whenever he desired. In exchange for my talents, he feeds me. I long for my family and friends in Aeolian Land. Will you take me to them?”
“My dear, Modality, I came here to aid you in returning to your home. Hold my hand, and follow me down the mountain. The way is difficult, and Tritone will be close behind. Stay by my side, and I will keep you safe.”
“Thank you, Dorian. You have brought me so much joy.”
“Let’s be on our way. We are running out of time. I can hear Tritone bellowing after us.”
Together, hand in hand, Modality and Dorian tumbled down the mountainside. Tritone was in hot pursuit of the two new friends. “Modality,” Dorian screamed, “hide behind this boulder. I must fight Tritone to the death, or else he will never allow us to flee his mountain.”

Modality ran behind the boulder, as Dorian drew his sword, Chromaticism. “Tritone, your reign of terror has come to an end,” Dorian declared. Tritone breathed fire down on him in anger. Dorian dodged it skillfully. In the next moment, his trusty sword found its way into Tritone’s heart. Tritone staggered as he fell to his death. Modality and Dorian reached the base of the mountain, and everyone in Aeolian Land rejoiced!

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