- Book 2, Song 4 (4 person group) Ken 1-3, Karin 4-6, Kaleb 7-8
- Book 2, Song 18 (4 person group) Liam 1-2,Brian3-4, Max 7-8, Dominic 5-6
- Book 2, Song 19 (4 person group) Isaak 1-2, Mason 5-6, Sebastian7-8, DeAndre 3-4
- Book 2, Song 22 (2 person group) McKenna 1-2 and Raul 3-5
- Book 2, Song 24 (4-6 person group, you’ll have to teach a couple extra measures for this one) Julia 1-3, Caitlin 4-6, Abbie 7-8, Ari -9-10, Isabella 11-13, Nathalie 14-16
- Teach Rhythm - take it slowly, play with a metronome, chant the rhythm (ti-ti ta, etc), say rhythm names and remind people of their values (the length it is held in beats)
- Teach Melody - review the names of the notes, where the notes are located on the frets and strings, sing/play examples for them, dynamics, sharps/flats, accidentals, recognizing patterns in the music
- Teach Harmony - strumming if applicable, review chords and their shapes, relate the chords to the key signature, and discuss the role of the chords in building tension and resolution in the piece.
- Rehearse it together!!!!!!!!!! Break it down into small, manageable parts.
Your Video will be made on our next block day. Here is a script template you could follow for setting up your teaching lesson.
"Hello students, today I will be teaching you measures __________ of song #________________ in the Hal Leonard book. Let's follow along together on page ________. You may want to have a pencil handy to write down quick notes as we go along.
To begin learning this piece, let's read through the rhythms by chanting measures _______. (Chant the rhythms, make corrections as needed, try again until everyone is able to say the rhythms correctly together.)
Now that we have the rhythms down for these measures, let's take a look at the melody line. (Go through each note name by naming them around the group and reminding people where the notes are located, you can allow people time to write them in as you name them. Give extra guidance if accidentals or key signatures are affecting the pitch of the note.)
Here is what the melody sounds like on these measures. (Model the melody for your students.) Now, let's try playing the first two beats together. (Count off the time and play as many times as it takes to play it together, then continue to add two beats at a time.)
Now that we have learned these measures, let's play them all together before our next teacher comes up to teach the rest of the melody.
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