Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Band Concert, March 22, 2016, 6pm

Hi Band parents,
We are one week out from our Original Composition Concert. EVERY single student composed a composition, and we are excited to share our compositions with the general public, friends and family for the first time!

Who: East High Band Students in Ms. Pino's Classes
What: Original Composition Concert
When: 6:00pm, March 22, 2016, Tuesday
Where: East High Auditorium
Why: To showcase student creativity and craftsmanship in music composition
Attire: Concert Blacks (dress up in all black or black and white)

This is required for students to attend, as all of them have small group pieces to perform. Absences will not only hurt their grade, but more importantly, it will hurt their group's performance of the piece.

Please come celebrate the amazing accomplishments of these young musicians! See you next week!

We will have a reception to follow, so we would appreciate help in getting light refreshments for after the performance. Fill out this form to help out: http://goo.gl/forms/qcnlRvJuHP

The Call time for all groups is 5:30pm. You must be on stage, dressed, have all music and your instrument at 5:30pm SHARP. I will dock 5 points from your grade for every 5 minutes you're late.

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