Friday, January 23, 2015

Study Guide for Guitar Quiz (moved to Monday)

Since I did not post these notes in a more timely manner, I will postpone the quiz. We will take it on Monday instead.

Major Scale - wwhwwwh (w = whole, h = half)
Key signature - tells you how many sharps or flats are in a given key

flat - lowers a note a half step
sharp - raises a note a half step
natural - neutralizes a flat or sharp

Chord - harmony made of  two or more alternating notes played simultaneously

I Chord - Major Chord built on the first degree of the major scale
IV Chord - Major Chord built on the 4th degree of the major scale
V or V7 chord- Major chord and Dominant 7th chord built on the 5th degree of the major scale
vi chord - minor chord built on the 6th degree of the major scale

Relative minor - same key as major scale, but it starts on the 6th degree instead of 1st degree of the scale.
Parallel minor - has the same name as the parallel major, but it has a different key signature; add 3 additional flats (take away 3 sharps) to find the key signature of the parallel minor

Notes in the C major scale vs. Notes in the C Minor Scale

C D Eb F G Ab Bb C

Order of Flats: BEADGCF
Order of Sharps: FCGDAEB

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