Friday, September 5, 2014

Beginning Band Planning/Assignments

  Every day Warm-Up: Long Tones and Scales Always keep in mind weekly quizzes and assignments. Check IC on Monday afternoons for updated grades and missing work. Missing work/late work will be penalized 10% each day it is late.
Date In Class Work Homework
Aug. 26 Go over syllabus, posture, procedures, how to read music, and basics of instrument care Make sure you have your pencils ready for class and write in the notes for #1-14. Remember to only use pencil.
Aug. 27-28 Red Book - Pages 6-7; Learn Concert C, D, Bb; Measure, Whole Note/Rest, half note/rest, treble clef/bass clef, 4/4 time signature, flats; Rehearse #1-14 Practice holding long tones on all three notes (4 to 8 beats on each note); work on switching between the notes by moving fingers to your new note at exactly the same time
Aug. 29 Review what we worked on so far. Write in the notes for #15-29 and practice everything we have learned up to this point.
Sep. 1 Labor Day (No School) Practice at least an hour over the weekend. Practice playing each of your 5 notes in the three rhythms you know: Compose a 4 measure warm up sheet for each note that uses each of the rhythms you know in complete 4 beat measures: whole note (4 beats), half note (2 beats), and quarter note (1 beat) and don’t forget to put in rests for breathing. You should have 20 measures by the end. Write in notes for #30-41.
Sep. 2 Review #1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14; LEARN: Notes - Concert Bb, C, D, Eb, F, and G; Terms - solo, soli, tutti, fermata, phrase, quarter note/rest, repeat sign, common time; Rehearse #15-29 Practice playing each of your 5 notes in the three rhythms you know: Compose a 4 measure warm up sheet for each note that uses each of the rhythms you know in complete 4 beat measures: whole note (4 beats), half note (2 beats), and quarter note (1 beat) and don’t forget to put in rests for breathing. You should have 20 measures by the end. Write in notes for #30-41.
Sep. 4 Review #7, 12, 14, 23, 26, & 29; LEARN: Notes - 7 notes; Terms - tie, 2/4 time; Rehearse #30-41 Write in notes for Jingle Bells. There will be two lines of notes on most parts. Pick the notes you feel most comfortable playing (either top or bottom notes) and write these notes in. Practice all you have learned.
Sep. 5 Review #7, 13, 14, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 37, 39; LEARN: Jingle Bells Practice Jingle Bells, and write in the notes for #44-54.
Sep. 8 Review Day - Ask questions, play songs that address more challenging concepts, prepare for quizzes (written and performance) Practice Jingle Bells, anything that is giving you trouble, and finish writing in notes.
Sep. 9 Review #7, 25, 26, 32, 37, & Jingle Bells; LEARN: eighth notes and #44-54. Practice and write in notes for #56-61.
Sep. 11 Review #7, 25, 26, 32, 37, & Jingle Bells, 48, 51, & 53. LEARN: #56-61; Slur, Pick up. Practice for at least an hour over the weekend and write in notes for #62-73.
Sep. 15 Review #7, 25, 26, 32, 37, & Jingle Bells, 48, 51, & 53. LEARN: #62-73; Key Signature Eb major, 3/4 time signature, forte (loud) and piano (soft), dynamics (volume in music) Practice and write in notes for #74-84.
Sep. 16 Review #7, 25, 26, 32, 37, & Jingle Bells, 48, 51, 63, 66, 70, 72; LEARN: #74-84; Natural sign and octaves. Practice and write in the notes for Montego Bay and Regal March.
Sep. 18 Review Day - Ask questions, play songs that address more challenging concepts, prepare for quizzes (written and performance) Practice playing Montego Bay and Regal March to prepare for class.
Sep. 19 Review #26, 32, Jingle Bells, 51, 63, 66, 71, 80, 82, 83, and 84; LEARN: Montego Bay and Regal March; harmony parts Start preparing for our playing test next Monday. Friday is a review day, so think of any questions or concerns you may have, and choose songs from pages 6-19 that you would like to play in class.
Sep. 22 Review Day! Questions? Student choice Pages 6-19. Montego Bay and Regal March Practice for our Monday test: Choose 5 medal songs to perform for Mrs. Lamp. Choose one from the first 5 columns in the back of the book (p. 47). Choices include: Column 1: #7,12,14,17,22, Column 2: 23,29,31,35,39, Column 3: 41,43,46,49,53, Column 4: 55,57,61,63,67 Column 5: 70,73,78,79,82
Sep. 23 Test Day: You will perform 5 songs of your choice for Mrs. Lamp from the medal song list above. Make sure to choose one song from each column. If you want to do your test with a friend, make sure you practice the same pieces. Be prepared to play by yourself, with a friend or with your section for the test. Congratulations! We are half way through the Red Book! Let’s keep moving ahead. Write in the notes for pages 22-23.
Sep. 25 Review Jingle Bells, Montego Bay, Regal March; LEARN: 5 New Notes, Bb Major Scale, #85-98 Practice and write in the notes for #99-106.
Sep.26 Review Day - Ask questions, play songs that address more challenging concepts, prepare for quizzes (written and performance) Practice and finish writing in notes.
Sep. 29 Review Jingle Bells, Bb Scale #88, #89, 93, 95, 96 F Major Skill, 97, 98; LEARN: #99-106; DC Al Fine, Sharp Practice your Bb Major Scale and your F Major Scale. There will be a memorized test on this on September 30. Get ready to pick songs on Friday that you want to play.
Sep. 30 Review Day! Questions? Student choice Pages 6-25, Jingle Bells, Montego Bay, and Regal March; Bb Major, F Major Keep Practicing Bb Major(#88) and F Major(#96) for the upcoming test. They need to be memorized Write in the notes for pg. 25-26. Also look at #126 Eb Major Scale.
Oct 2, 2014 Review Bb Major, F Major, Jingle Bells, Montego Bells, Regal March, 71; LEARN: pg. 25-26; dotted quarter and single eighth notes. Practice Bb, F, and Eb major scales and write in notes for pages 27-28.
Oct. 3 Review pg. 25-26; LEARN: Pg. 27-28; Tempos Andante, Moderato, Allegro, and Dynamics Mezzo Forte (medium loud), mezzo piano (medium soft) Practice Bb, F, and Eb scales and write in notes for pages 29-30.
Oct. 6 Review Day - Ask questions, play songs that address more challenging concepts, prepare for quizzes (written and performance) Memorize Bb, Eb, and F Major Scales.
Oct. 7 Review pg. 27-28, Bb Scale, F Scale; LEARN: pg. 29-30 Trumpet Voluntary, crescendo, decrescendo,  Memorize Bb, Eb, and F Major Scales.
Oct. 9 Review Day! Questions? Student choice Pages 6-30. Montego Bay. Jingle Bells, Regal March, Trumpet Voluntary Memorize Bb, Eb, and F Major Scales. Test on Monday! Write in the notes for pg. 31-32. Write in the notes on the top and bottom part of Sakura.
Oct. 10 Bb, F, and Eb major Scale Testing (see rubric for grading requirements). Be prepared to play your scales by yourself, with a friend, or as a section in front of the class. LEARN: pg. 31-32. Write in the notes for pg. 33-34. Start preparing for the next test on October 7. We will be doing a written test on composers, music terms, and symbols. Study pg. 46.
Oct. 13 Review Band arrangements and scales; LEARN: pg. 33--34 Practice band arrangements and scales on pg. 42. Write in the notes for pg. 35. I hope by now you’re getting faster at reading music. If you are able to sight-read the music without writing notes in first, please start working on developing this skill. However, if you’re not able to keep up in class without having the notes written in, please continue to do this at home. This way we will get as much playing time as possible in class. Study pg. 46.
Oct. 14 Review Day - Ask questions, play songs that address more challenging concepts, prepare for quizzes (written and performance) Practice your scales on P. 42 and anything else in the book that has given you a hard time or that you just enjoy playing. Study pg. 46.
Oct. 16 FINISH THE RED BOOK!!!!! Review songs that cover important concepts, band arrangements, and LEARN pg. 35. Play through the scales on Pg. 42. If on some rhythm studies using our scales on pg. 43-45. Practice anything that is hard for you. Our transition to the Blue Book will start next week, and it gets harder faster. We will also start working on some sheet music band arrangements. If you are having trouble with anything, please come in for help Come prepared with a list of favorites to play for our Red Book Review day. Study pg. 46.
Oct. 17 Review everything! Student choice: pick favorites at the beginning of class and make a list to perform for the day. Holiday Songs, Sheet Music, Music History and Theory Books. Practice anything that is giving you trouble. Also, review the Terms pg. 46.
Oct. 20 Parent Teacher Conferences/NO SCHOOL Make sure you don’t forget to practice for 1-2 hours over the long weekend.
Oct. 21 ASSESSMENT DAY/NO SCHOOL Make sure you don’t forget to practice for 1-2 hours over the long weekend.
Oct. 23 Short test on main composers, music terms, and symbols. Look at American Spirit March Holiday Songs, Sheet Music, Music History and Theory Books. Practice anything that is giving you trouble. Also, review the Terms pg. 46.
Remainder of Fall into the Spring Semester: Scale Testing - Major: Bb, Eb, F, Ab, Chromatic, C, G, D, A, E, F#/Gb, C#/Db; Minor: G minor, C minor, D minor, F minor, A minor, E minor Assignments in Music History and Theory books; Practicing all sheet music and technique exercises as assigned on a daily basis. A schedule will be sent out after the 1st 6 weeks is over.

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